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The most famous fountains in Madrid

Published on July 4, 2016 by Madrid SmartRentals

Madrid might not be able to compete with cities such as for instance Rome regarding beautiful monumental fountains but  there are many impressive monuments and urban fountains  definitely worth a visit when visiting Madrid .

Madrid’s most popular fountains

neptuno madrid

There are more than2.000 city historical monuments , lots of them are fountains.Here are the ones that  we considerthe most important based on theirbeauty , history, fame or singularity.

most famous fountains in Madrid

  • Cibeles: This fountain , famous for being the place where Real Madrid supporters celebrate their achievements, land marks the beginning of the Paseo del Arte( Art Promenade) . Erected at the end of the XIX Century the fountain represents the goddess Cibeles in a Chariot pulled by lions Atalanta and Hipómenes.
  • Neptuno:if Cibeles it’s known for celebrating Real Madrid ‘s victories , Neptuno is used to celebrate the victories of the second more important football team in the city , Atlético de Madrid . This fountain is also in the Paseo Del Arte, represents the Greek sea God. This promenade hosts some of the most important museums of Madrid and has lots of other fountains in it such as the Apolo (the four seasons) or the Fourfountains.
  • El Ángel Caído:(the falling Angel) Madrid is ,as we believe, the only city in the world to in which there is an urban statue that pays tribute to the “Prince of darkness”. This fountain in Retiro Park , dating back to the end of the XIX century, represents the precise moment in which Lucifer is expelled from Paradise. Also in Retiro there are two other important fountains as the Isabel II and the Fuente de la alcachofa ( the artichoke fountain)
  • Miguel de Cervantes Monument : in our post about Cervantes’s footprints in the Capital of Spain we will talk in detail about this stunning monument.

Two more fountains worth a visit in Madrid are “Diana la cazadora”, in Plaza de la Cruz Verde, and the Orfeo’s one  in ,Plaza de la Provincia.

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