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Escher exhibit in the Gaviria Palace

Published on July 17, 2017 by Madrid SmartRentals

Maurits Cornelis Escher, the Dutch surrealist genius, is from the 2nd of February, the main theme of an amazing exhibit in the Gaviria Palace of Madrid. A showing that should have ended in June but that has been extended to the 24th of September because of its great international reception. More than 115,000 visitors have been able to enjoy it since February. The exhibit has turned into one of the main cultural events of this season and it’s a must in Madrid’s agenda.

In this exhibition you can admire over 200 pieces that have influenced scientist from all over the world and in the collective imagination of designers and artists. The showing includes some of Escher masterpieces such as Hand with reflecting sphere, Relativity (or house of stairs) and Belvedere.

It also counts with scientific experiments, play areas and interactive facilities where you can introduce yourself in one of Escher’s pieces and enjoy with the mirror games. You can even take a selfie emulating one of the artist’s self-portraits.

Escher’s art

Escher, that had as a one of his personal mottos “Wonder is the salt of the Earth” has the merit of having broadened the imaginative possibilities of those who contemplate his pieces, in which everything is related: science, nature, analytic exactitude and contemplative capacity.

The world of numbers, mathematics and geometry is one of the keys, but not the only one to being able to understand the creative universe of this contemporary artist, a figure that is as brilliant as complex.  Excher’s art does not notice time and keeps on exciting the public.

Opening hours and tickets

Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from 10AM to 8PM.

Fridays and Saturdays from 10AM to 9PM.

The ticket office closes one hour before.

The entry fee is of 12€, and includes an audioguide. There’s discounts for students, holders of Carné Joven, unemployed people, disabled people, seniors, children and university students.

You can buy your tickets in the ticket office or in www.ticketea.es

Category: Uncategorized

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