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The Book Fair begins in Madrid

Published on May 26, 2016 by Madrid SmartRentals

In previous posts of our blog we have talked to you about cultural and literature-related events, such as the Miguel de Cervantes centenary in the Barrio de las Letras or the Book Nights.

Today we want to bring you one of the most traditional literary events in Madrid and in Spain and that is precisely starting tomorrow.

Book Fair in Madrid

The Book Fair in Madrid takes place in the Retiro Park, one of the most renowned settings of the city of Madrid, although it’s original placing was in Paseo de Recoletos. First opened in 1933, this fair has with the pass of time turned into one of the most traditional literary events, not only in Madrid, but in Spain. This event starts tomorrow and will take place until the 12th of June.

The Book Fair of Madrid has in its 2016 edition, France as its guest country. In the present edition 467 exhibitors throughout 367 stands will take part in the Book Fair.

Book signing and dedications

In addition to the opportunity that visitants have to get hold of the latest novels and books with all kinds of discounts, the Book Fair of Madrid always is a great chance to get the authors that will be around to sign one of their books.

Ferrán Adriá, Gabriel Albiac, Francisco Cebrián, Javier Cercas, Almudena Cid, Jesús Cintora, Clara Cortés, Wendy Davies, Perico Delgado, Jorge Díaz or Luis García Montero will be some of the names and celebrities that will sign copies of their books in the Fair.

From Monday to Friday, the Book Fair will be open from 11 to 14 and from 18 to 21:30. On Saturdays, Sundays and festivities, it opens from 11 to 15 and from 17 to 21:30. In conclusion, we’re before an incredible event  where you will be able to discover the newest cultural additions while enjoying a relaxing day in one of the most special corners of the city of Madrid.

Category: Uncategorized

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